Welcome to Caring for Kids New to Canada
This website was developed for health professionals and others who care for immigrant and refugee children, youth, and families. Throughout the site, you’ll find information and resources to enhance patient care and help you better understand the unique health needs of these kids.
Developed by the Canadian Paediatric Society with input from a range of experts and organizations, Caring for Kids New to Canada has evidence-based information on assessing and screening patients, medical conditions, health promotion, child development, and much more. It also explores how issues beyond the clinical setting affect health, such as culture, social and environmental conditions, health care systems, and public policy.
There are many ways to navigate the site: by a keyword search, by browsing the various sections, through the site map, or by visiting the Getting Started page.
How this site was developed
Launched in April 2013, Caring for Kids New to Canada was in development for several years, and began with a series of conversations and surveys to determine the needs of health professionals serving immigrant and refugee children and youth.
With this information, an Editorial Board determined a series of topics that would be developed for the first phase of the website, and continue to assess what subjects should be added. A Methods Subcommittee developed a process for identifying, reviewing and citing evidence. Editors then worked with medical writers and project staff to develop material that reflects the best available evidence and provides practical guidance for health professionals.
A rigorous review process, involving the committees and sections of the Canadian Paediatric Society as well as an extensive network of experts in newcomer health, ensures the integrity of the material. Material is translated into French, and reviewed again. To ensure documents are up-to-date, they are regularly reviewed.
The Canadian Paediatric Society recognizes the editors and authors of Children and Youth New to Canada: A Health Care Guide. Published in 1999, this book was the first resource of its kind and has helped shaped this site.
Our vision for newcomer children, youth and families
Children and youth new to Canada do not enjoy the same health status as their Canadian-born peers. We want to eliminate health disparities, so that no child is at a disadvantage because of their country of origin or family status. This website is a step in that direction. Our long-term goals are to:
- Improve the ability of health care providers to deliver services to children and youth new to Canada.
- Improve the ability of institutions to develop polices, practices and programs that are evidence-based and that meet the needs of newcomers and their families.
- Improve the long-term health and developmental outcomes for children and youth new to Canada.
- Reduce—and eventually eliminate—the gaps between the health of children/youth new to Canada and their Canadian-born peers.
About the Canadian Paediatric Society
Founded in 1922, the Canadian Paediatric Society represents more than 3,000 paediatricians, paediatric subspecialists, paediatric residents, and other health professionals who work with and care for children and youth. The CPS is governed by an elected Board of Directors representing all provinces and territories. To fulfill its mission, the CPS is active in professional education, advocacy, parent and caregiver education, and surveillance.
Our partners
Caring for Kids New to Canada is pleased to have the support of the following organizations:
- The College of Family Physicians of Canada
- The Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health
The development of this resource was funded by the Government of Canada.
Please note that we do not accept product advertisements on the site.
Tell us what you think
We want to know whether this site is useful, whether you can find what you need, and what else you would like to see here. Tell us about your experiences working with newcomer families, and what resources and information would enhance your ability to deliver the best possible care. E-mail [email protected] or visit our Contact Us page.
Last updated: February, 2023